Who We Are?

Before introducing Anomalous Pictures, it would be sensible to clear the air about what we are not. We are not yet another film production house spiralled out of a vacuous aspiration to stand out from the clutter. We are not even a team of budding artists looking to make it big in the mainstream media market. Yes, money does sound good to our ears, but we are still a few light years from selling the house, and will always be.
About what we are, we are Anomalous, at the DNA level. Defined as “deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected”, Anomalous stands for and embraces all that’s away from the conventions of our dogmatic society. Envisioned with an innate desire to make the unheard, heard; unseen, seen; and unspoken, spoken.
We are here to change that, for good.

Our Approach

Every project we create is built on the foundation of story, strategy, production, and marketing. Video content can help you achieve results and provide a valuable ROI.

Our Clients